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We all love them, we all want more of them and most of all we all use them. TOOLS. If you make anything be it leather, knives, woodwork or any other craft or art you need tools. But wait there are lots of options. Do I buy the cheap one? Do I buy the really expensive fancy one? What about the one in the middle will that work? Admit it you have done it, you said to yourself I can make that cheap tool work, it will do what I want. I can’t spend three times that amount on the good one. Then you got it home and started to use it and before long it was sitting quietly gathering dust in the nearest drawer or corner. Why….well it wasn’t good quality, it didn’t work as well as you expected it too. You want your art and craft to come out perfect. But we expect it while buying subpar tools. I do not even want to think about the hours I have spent trying to make a cheap tool work. I’ve tried to sharpen them if they needed sharpening, I have modified them completely if I thought it would help. I have replaced parts cursed at them, fiddled with them, pondered on them till I gave up and bought the better tool. Somewhere along the line it should have become clear to me to just buy the good one in the first place. I was once told…. buy the best possible tool you can when you are buying. It was and is great advice.

So a while back we got asked to make a leather cutting half round knife. My first thought was we have to make a quality tool. It took some time but we started to produce a quality tool. We have had good reviews from folks that are using our knife daily. Once that was done we looked to add on a skiving knife and we are happy to say we did. All of our tools are made of tool steel and ready to work. Check them out in our shop if you are so inclined.

Remember Friends good tools will last you a lifetime, we hope you always find the best.


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